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How your mindset can change your business

Updated: Jul 1, 2022

Do we believe in fate here at Lash Paris? Absolutely, we do! I believe that you, yes YOU, were brought here to this blog for a reason. Maybe you needed to read these words for the first time, maybe you’d already heard these words but just needed that extra reminder. Whatever reason it was that brought you here to this blog today, embrace it! You are in for a motivational ride.

What do I mean when I say ‘Mindset’? I mean your perspective and thoughts that help determine your overall attitude and behavior towards people in your life, events that need to take place or have taken place in the past, and tasks that you need to complete. This also includes your beliefs about yourself and about how the world works.

”You are the creator of your own reality”

Your mindset actually plays a major role in how you motivate yourself to get things done and to keep going, in your resilience to push forward through adversity and setbacks, and in how you react to and manage to solve problems. Have you heard about the Fixed Vs Growth Mindset? Psychologist Carol Dweck developed this concept in her book “ Mindset: the new psychology of success ”. People with a Fixed Mindset believe that talent, intelligence and other “good” qualities are fixed and unchangeable, you either have them or you don’t and that’s the end of the story. Whereas people with a Growth Mindset, believe that the mind can grow, change and learn, that intelligence and talent can be worked on with effort, time and practice.

Success and failure are both fluid concepts, and neither of them are permanent features in life. Both success and failure are temporary in the sense that neither of them are permanent. You cannot permanently win, and you cannot permanently lose. This offers a great opportunity because this means that we can work towards those winning moments, and choose to learn from the losing moments to teach us more about what we can fix to achieve even more winning moments.

Humans are exceptional creatures because a lot of our reality is determined by our minds, about how we react to situations, how we perceive situations and opportunities. Even more important than that, humans have a CHOICE in how our minds work. So, even if you’ve had a fixed mindset all your life, you can choose, right now, to start developing a growth mindset and start working more actively towards more success.

Having the right mindset can change your business in the following ways:

  • You become excited to learn new things (helps with being innovative and in improving things in your business).

  • It helps you get through hard times because you believe that you can succeed even through hardships.

  • It makes you think of new possibilities, think outside of the box with different perspectives.

  • You can genuinely learn from “failures” because you don’t see them as being a permanent and final event, you just see it as another stepping stone towards achieving your goals, as additional data to work with.

  • You’ll be more willing to take on new challenges and opportunities

Ok so now you see how your mindset can change your business and see all the benefits of having the right mindset. The question now is, how do you get the right mindset? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

The first step to developing a winning & growth-based mindset is to identify within yourself the limiting beliefs that are holding you back. These are all the negative things that the voice in your head tries to tell you about yourself. These negative things usually sound like “I can’t…” or “I’m bad at…” It’s important to have patience with yourself, and know that these thoughts will keep coming up even if you have the right mindset. The point is to notice these thoughts and just let them go. To not hold on to them and think that they are true. A good way to start identifying these thoughts is to start journaling; writing down your thoughts at the end of the day.

Next, when you start noticing these negative thoughts, actively challenge them with positivity . It will feel weird and a little silly at first, trust me! But the more you do it, the more natural it will feel. You need to start thinking in terms of possibility and growth. Let me give you an example: if you think “I can’t become a lash artist because I don’t have time to study”, challenge that thought with “… I don’t have time to study yet , but I can put 1 hour aside every weekend and start working on it!” This way, you start thinking about solutions to these negatives. And slowly but surely, you’ll naturally think of solutions as soon as any problems arise. You’ll get better at identifying more opportunities and seeing problems with a more innovative perspective.

It’s important to note that having a great mindset does not mean that you won’t ever be sad or disappointed. It simply means that you can look past those dark times and see the light at the end of the tunnel, or see the silver lining behind the cloud. A proper mindset can help you move away from problems and negative situations more quickly and with more positive results in the long run. That’s why it’s so important for your business, because it helps keep you focused on solutions rather than get you stuck on the problems.

The best of luck on creating that winning mindset!

With love always,

Danyela Lash Paris B.V.

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